Sensory Systems

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Anatomy: Human Neuroanatomy (Coursera)

In this anatomy course, part of the Anatomy Specialization, you will be introduced to the central and peripheral nervous systems. You will learn about basic neuroanatomy, sensory pathways, motor pathways and the autonomic nervous system. The course includes illustrated lecture videos and quizzes to help you expand and test [...]

Medical Neuroscience (Coursera)

Medical Neuroscience explores the functional organization and neurophysiology of the human central nervous system, while providing a neurobiological framework for understanding human behavior. In this course, you will discover the organization of the neural systems in the brain and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and integrate [...]

Seeing: How the Brain Creates the Visual World (FutureLearn)

Gain insights into how we perceive sensory system input when it reaches our brains, and the factors affecting that process. Explore how our visual system and human psychology influence our world view. Our visual system is complicated; using our eyes and brains to convert external information into internal feelings [...]

Neuropsychology (

Legacy Course
Neuropsychology (
Free Course
How does the brain function? How does it interact with the body in order to control and mediate behaviors and actions? Though psychologists have long studied these questions, the workings of the brain remain, in large part, a mystery. In this course, we will explore the field of psychology [...]

Sensation and Perception (

Legacy Course
Sensation and Perception (
Free Course
Sensation and perception are the processes by which we absorb information from environmental stimuli and convert it into data that our brains and bodies use to modify behavior. This course will introduce you to these two closely related, though distinct, processes.