Social Psychology

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AP® Psychology - Course 4: How Behavior Works (edX)

Learn about the theories of motivation and emotions and obtain an in-depth look at intelligence testing and personality development. This psychology course is all about how behavior works. You will learn the theories of motivation, hunger, eating, the obesity epidemic, and sexual behavior. We will also examine theories of [...]

Us vs Them: Why people polarise and how to bring them together (edX)

We all form groups. Sometimes they help us, other times they stimulate harmful or even violent polarisation. Using expertise from business, behavioural science, and politics, we explore these ‘groupish’ instincts, while providing skills to bridge divides.

Social Psychology (

Legacy Course
Social Psychology (
Free Course
This course will introduce you to the concepts and ideas in the area of social psychology. Social Psychology aims to discover the different ways in which people interact with other individuals, groups, and the larger society as a whole, as well as why people act in certain ways.

Introduction to Psychology (

Self Paced
Introduction to Psychology (
Free Course
This course will introduce you to the fundamental principles of psychology and to the major subjects of psychological inquiry. It has been designed to not only provide you with the tools necessary for the study of psychology but to present you with a sampling of the major areas [...]