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Architecture, Algorithms, and Protocols of a Quantum Computer and Quantum Internet (edX)

Learn the basics of quantum algorithms, quantum error-correction, micro-architectures, compilers, and programming languages for quantum processors, and protocols for the quantum internet. In this course we will demonstrate how a large-scale quantum processor could be built using these qubits. Among the topics that we will discuss are micro-architectures, compilers, [...]

Network Security - Protocols (edX)

Future dates to be announced
Network Security - Protocols (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn more fundamentals of network security, including cryptographic algorithms used in networking protocols, TLS/SSL, IPSec Layer 2 Security and Wireless Security. Students are provided with a broad understanding of cryptography, from its classical applications dating from the Roman empire to modern cryptography, including the public key cryptography and hashing [...]

Diplomacy in the 21st Century (FutureLearn)

Explore the challenges of diplomacy in the 21st century and the implications for diplomats with this course from the OU and FCO. Broaden your understanding of modern diplomacy with diplomats and other experts.

Fabriquer un objet connecté (FUN)

Ce MOOC est le deuxième volet du parcours La Fabrication Numérique. Que se passe-t-il quand les objets se connectent à Internet ? Découvrez les mécanismes et les protocoles pour connecter un objet à Internet ou connecter des objets entre eux. Vous utiliserez les technologies issues des [...]