Hydraulic Engineering

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Digitalisation in Aeronautics (Coursera)

The instructors of the online course "Digitalisation in Aeronautics" present a spectrum of different aviation research and application areas, exploring the impact of digitalisation in this specific field, including the effects of digitalisation in simulating the interaction of aircraft components, in overall aircraft development and related decision-making and in [...]

Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review (Coursera)

The purpose of this course is to review the material covered in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to enable the student to pass it. It will be presented in modules corresponding to the FE topics, particularly those in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Each module will review main concepts, [...]

Engineering: Building with Nature (edX)

Learn how to use ecological and engineering design principles to develop more effective and sustainable hydraulic infrastructure. If you’re interested in the concept of building with nature, then this is the engineering course for you. This course explores the use of natural materials and ecological processes in achieving effective [...]

Room for Rivers: River basin Management in Times of Climate Change (edX)

Learn from the experience of the Netherlands-based “Room for a River” program devising river and delta solutions in times of climate change. With a long history of disasters and years of dealing with the challenges posed by water, the Netherlands has accumulated essential knowledge about water management and specifically [...]