Olivier Doaré

Olivier Doaré is Professor at ENSTA Paristech and Course Lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique. He is doing his research at IMSIA (Institue of Mechanical Sciences and Industrial Applications), UMR CNRS/ENSTA Paristech/EDF/CEA. His main research topics concern coupling phenomena between flows and active structures.
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Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions (Coursera)

What is fluid-solid interactions ? It is what happens when the motions of a fluid and of a solid are somehow coupled. This happens all the time, around you when leaves flutter in the wind, inside you when your heart beats, above you when wings of a [...]

Fundamentals of waves and vibrations (Coursera)

Waves are everywhere. On water of course, but also in the air as you hear a plane, and under your feet during an earthquake certainly. Vibrations, too, are everywhere In your bike as you go over a bump, in you guitar as you play, [...]