Dorothy Armstrong

Dorothy is Honorary Nurse Consultant, Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, Lead Adviser to Scotland's Ombudsman and Director DA Professional.

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Self Care and Wellbeing: A Practical Guide for Health and Social Care (FutureLearn)

Learn practical self-care exercises to manage stress and improve your wellbeing so you can care for others effectively. Learn practical self-care exercises to manage stress and improve your wellbeing. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought major challenges and pressures for health and social care workers, as well as for students [...]

COVID-19 Critical Care: Understanding and Application (FutureLearn)

Learn the principles and practice of critical care to treat and care for critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn to manage critical care patients whilst protecting yourself and your peers. “One of the essential qualities of the clinician is interest in humanity: the secret of the [...]