The European Multiple MOOC Aggregator.

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Become ResponSEAble! (EMMA)

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Become ResponSEAble! (EMMA)
Free Course
What are the issues affecting our oceans? How can we change behavior? What is ocean literacy, and what could be its role in promoting this change? Enrolling in the RESPONSEABLE MOOC you will be able to explore answers to these and other questions, guided by a multidisciplinary team which [...]

Summer School in Sociologies of Education (EMMA)

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Summer School in Sociologies of Education (EMMA)
Free Course
This MOOC features the SUSEES Summer School lectures where renowned scholars present the way they use particular theories and approaches to study education. The scope of the lecture series is to provide new insights into the potential of theoretical resources in producing new research questions for studying the European [...]

Circular Economy MOOC (EMMA)

Circular Economy MOOC (EMMA)
Free Course
The course is aimed to everybody who works in education and wants to know more about circular economy. The course is integrated in the European project Three C Project. The course will run for 4 weeks, 1h course + 2 homework per week, and will include access to the [...]

Piattaforme digitali per la gestione del territorio (EMMA)

In questo corso analizzeremo ogni aspetto delle piattaforme digitali per la gestione del territorio: partendo dal territorio stesso, dalle persone, dai processi e dai dati. Studieremo le tecnologie abilitanti e vedremo come sfruttare le piattaforme esistenti per fare innovazione sul territorio.

Il disegno della luce (EMMA)

La produzione di questo MOOC fa capo al Corso di Disegno edile, afferente alla facoltà di Ingegneria edile dell'Università Federico II di Napoli. Durante le lezioni, particolarmente indicate per coloro che abbiano conoscenze dei fondamenti della geometria proiettiva e del metodo delle proiezioni ortogonali, si affronterà la questione [...]

Business Intelligence (EMMA)

A self-managed MOOC where you organize your own study schedule and learning journey (through the content provided). The amount of data generated by the information society is growing day by day, and will continue to grow thanks to the explosion of social networks, the smarts cities, the big data, [...]

Biblioteca digitale in teoria e in pratica (EMMA)

Le biblioteche digitali sono spazi per l'apprendimento che svolgono un ruolo sociale e intellettuale nel far incontrare persone e idee. I nuovi metodi di insegnamento e di apprendimento, che sono più "centrati sullo studente", spingono ad una nuova attenzione sulle biblioteche digitali. Questo MOOC è progettato per spiegare perchè [...]

Computer Assisted Inquiry (EMMA)

The course is addressed for secondary school students and teachers, who would like to fresh their research skills and for I and II year university students. During the 9 weeks long course, participants will learn how to collect and analyze data with the computer and to draw conclusions.

Coding in your classroom, now! (EMMA)

Il corso aperto che aiuta gli insegnanti di ad introdurre il pensiero computazionale in classe in modo immediato e intuitivo, senza prerequisiti.

21st Century Learning (EMMA)

Online technologies, social media and open education have made learning ubiquitous. This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will introduce you to 21st century learning practices. You will have a chance to evaluate your digital literacies, create your own personal learning environment, find open educational resources, explore virtual worlds [...]