Coaching Strategies for Sales Leaders (SoundviewPro)

Coaching Strategies for Sales Leaders (SoundviewPro)
Don’t rely on traditional command-and-control management methods to increase your sales reps’ performances. Learn the elements of sales coaching and help your reps change their perspective. This course will teach you how to gain reps’ trust, strategize before you sell and create a culture of excellence in your sales organization.

Be the Coach that Delivers Record-Breaking Sales Numbers and Hall of Fame Results. Every great professional, whether it’s an athlete, musician, businessperson or educator, achieved success because of a great coach. Many sales organizations go in the wrong direction because they focus on micromanagement. They create a culture where people are afraid to lose which means they take a defensive position with most customers. Author, sales coach and speaker Jason Forrest believes that to be a better coach, you must master the three P’s of sales: people, process and pitch. In this course, you’ll learn why so many sales reps don’t earn equal to their potential. You’ll find out why it’s critical to get permission to lead your sales professionals. You’ll discover the steps to building a great sales team and how to hire the right salespeople. Once you have those players on your squad, you’ll learn how to sustain the energy that brought the new hire to your door. Forrest challenges you to up your game in the art of holding people accountable. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how to make it acceptable for every rep to be a victor.