A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy (Coursera)

May 8th 2024
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you’ll focus on how constant data collection and big data analysis have impacted us, exploring the interplay between using your data and protecting it, as well as thinking about what it could do for you in the future. This will be done through a series of [...]

Infonomics I: Business Information Economics and Data Monetization (Coursera)

Thriving in the Information Age compels organizations to deploy information as an actual business asset, not as an IT asset or merely as a business byproduct. This demands creativity in conceiving and implementing new ways to generate economic benefits from the wide array of information assets available to an [...]

Herbal Medicine (Coursera)

There is strong demand for alternatives to pharmaceuticals for a variety of common illnesses due to concerns of safety, efficacy, and a desire for more “natural” products. Despite this growing interest, “conventional” healthcare providers may have little to no knowledge about herbal medicines, which is further compounded by the [...]

Learn to Teach Java: Writing Classes and Arrays (Coursera)

Learn to program using Class design and 1-D Arrays in Java, and prepare to teach others using the free, online interactive CS Awesome textbook. In this course for teachers we'll guide you both in learning Java concepts and skills but also in how to effectively teach those to your students.

Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Abstraction, Methods, and Lists (Coursera)

May 8th 2024
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Abstraction, Methods, and Lists (Coursera)
Course Auditing
How do gamers cause things to happen when they hit buttons on their controller? How does the computer keep track of gamer's scores? This class teaches the concepts of nested loops, events, and variables. For each concept, we'll start by helping you connect real-world experiences you [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Activism in Sports and Culture (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Activism in Sports and Culture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Sports have become an ever-present reflection of American culture, and an important symbol of the divisions and alliances in our society. Sports and political change walk hand in hand in America. The way that athletes and institutions deal with questions of race, economic hardship, nationalism, and political ties have [...]

Actúa ante el dolor crónico (Coursera)

El dolor, especialmente el dolor crónico, es un problema de salud que afecta a la calidad de vida de quien lo sufre. El dolor crónico afecta a más de 6 millones de personas adultas en España y representa el principal impacto negativo en salud, independientemente de la edad y [...]

Actualización en el manejo del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (Coursera)

Este curso está diseñado para ofrecer información actualizada sobre el manejo del paciente con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, con la finalidad de mejorar su atención médica. El curso está dirigido a médicos y profesionales sanitarios que tienen contacto con pacientes diabéticos; con ello, se busca disminuir la morbimortalidad de [...]

Acupressure (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Acupressure (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an overview of the basic principles and applications of acupressure for patient symptom management and self-care.

Adaptability and Resiliency (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Adaptability and Resiliency (Coursera)
Course Auditing
To survive in today’s constantly changing business landscape requires being comfortable in uncertainty. Adaptability is what allows people and businesses to solve problems, overcome challenges and move back from the edge of attrition to the more stable ground of relevance. Adaptability is everything. — Jeff Boss, Forbes. Adaptability refers [...]