Technology Impacts

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Teaching Impacts of Technology: Relationships (Coursera)

Apr 24th 2024
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Relationships (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you’ll focus on how “smart” devices have changed how we interact with others in personal ways, impacting how we stay connected in our increasingly mobile society. This will be done through a series of paired teaching sections, exploring a specific “Impact of Computing” in your typical [...]

Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy (Coursera)

Apr 24th 2024
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Data Collection, Use, and Privacy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you’ll focus on how constant data collection and big data analysis have impacted us, exploring the interplay between using your data and protecting it, as well as thinking about what it could do for you in the future. This will be done through a series of [...]

Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals (Coursera)

Apr 24th 2024
Teaching Impacts of Technology: Fundamentals (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you’ll focus on the fundamentals of teaching the impacts of technology, starting by exploring how you interact with and benefit from technology in a typical 24 hour period, such as the desire for instant food and entertainment. This will be done through a series of paired [...]