A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Conditional Loops and If Statements (Coursera)

May 8th 2024
Computational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Conditional Loops and If Statements (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Want to make a game that ends when you "catch" an object by clicking on it? Or maybe you get points based on how close you came? You'll do that in this class! This class teaches the concepts of conditional loops and if/else statements.

Engaging in Enterprise Growth and Innovation (Coursera)

May 8th 2024
Engaging in Enterprise Growth and Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
You will explore the challenges and processes for harnessing technological innovation for new-business development, with special focus on digital healthcare transformation. You will gain an understanding of enterprise growth and innovation topics through readings, cases, and exercises, including learning how firms from different industries gain competitive advantage through distinctive [...]

Intro to Strategic Management for Healthcare Organizations (Coursera)

This course is best suited for individuals currently in the healthcare sector, as a provider, payer, or administrator. Individuals pursuing a career change to the healthcare sector may also be interested in this course. In this course, you will have an opportunity to explore general business strategy concepts as [...]

Operations Management: Analysis and Improvement Methods (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn about the role of operations and how they are connected to other business functions in manufacturing- and service-focused organizations. You will learn and practice the use of decision-making frameworks and techniques applicable at all levels, from management-level strategic decisions such as connecting process [...]

Creativity Toolkit I: Changing Perspectives (Coursera)

Thinking and doing the same things faster and better is not enough; we need creativity. Fortunately, creativity is a skill you can learn. This course will examine when, why, and how we can be creative. It examines the cues that trigger us to consider being creative. It provides a [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

4.- El Cálculo - Otros Modelos (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
4.- El Cálculo - Otros Modelos (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso forma parte de una secuencia con la que se propone un acercamiento a la Matemática Preuniversitaria que prepara para la Matemática Universitaria. En él se asocia un significado real con el contenido matemático que se aprende y se integran tecnologías digitales en el proceso de aprendizaje. [...]

5G Network Fundamentals (Coursera)

This MOOC presents the services and the architecture of 5G networks, the main principles of the new radio interface (NR), data flow management, security and the new Service-Based Architecture (SBA). In recent years, operators have been deploying 5G technology on commercial mobile networks. The latter is announced as a [...]

A Blueprint for Success – Your Video Pre-Production (Coursera)

In this course, we will learn about pre-production, which requires levels of planning before you ever pick up a camera. We will share with you the terminology used widely in production work, along with our ideas for affordable camera gear and editing applications. We’ll also discuss strategies to help [...]

A Complete Reinforcement Learning System (Capstone) (Coursera)

In this final course, you will put together your knowledge from Courses 1, 2 and 3 to implement a complete RL solution to a problem. This capstone will let you see how each component---problem formulation, algorithm selection, parameter selection and representation design---fits together into a complete solution, and how [...]

A Consultative Approach to Working with Recruiters (Coursera)

This course is for Hiring Managers looking to improve their approach to working with recruiters to help to meet their long-term goals. Recruiters and hiring managers must implement well thought out strategies to find and attract the talent needed to make the organization successful. This course focuses on the [...]