Institut Mines-Telecom

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IoT Communications and Networks (Coursera)

By presenting the building blocks of the IoT network architecture, this MOOC will help learners adapt to the fast changing communications and networking environment of IoT. The IoT world represents billions of sophisticated objects, such as sensors, actuators and meters, that are deployed nearly everywhere, in homes, hospitals, factories, [...]

C Programming: Advanced Data Types - 5 (Coursera)

In this course you will define your own data types in C, and use the newly created types to more efficiently store and process your data. Many programming languages provide a number of built-in data types to store things such as integers, decimals, and characters in variables, but what [...]

C Programming: Using Linux Tools and Libraries - 7 (Coursera)

Learn how to use professional tools and libraries to write and build C programs within the Linux operating system. This seventh and final course in the C Programming with Linux Specialization will allow you to develop and use your C code within the Linux operating system. Using libraries in [...]

Linux Basics: The Command Line Interface - 6 (Coursera)

This course will introduce you to Linux, a powerful operating system used by most professional developers! Why add Linux to your C programming skills? Most people use Linux without knowing it! Whether you use a smartphone, search the web, or use an ATM, each time Linux is involved somewhere [...]

C Programming: Pointers and Memory Management - 4 (Coursera)

In this course, we will examine a key concept, foundational to any programming language: the usage of memory. This course builds upon the basic concept of pointers, discussed in C Programming: Modular Programming and Memory Management, and introduces the more advanced usage of pointers and pointer arithmetic. Arrays of [...]

C Programming: Language Foundations - 2 (Coursera)

In this course you will learn to use logical statements and arrays in C. Logical statements are used for decision-making with follow-up instructions, based on conditions you define. Arrays are used to store, keep track of, and organize larger amounts of data. You will furthermore implement some fundamental algorithms [...]

C Programming: Modular Programming and Memory Management - 3 (Coursera)

Enhance your coding skills along your path to becoming a proficient C programmer with the essential concepts of functions and pointers. In this course you will be introduced to the concept of modular programming: that is, dividing up more complex tasks into manageable pieces. You will learn how to [...]

C Programming: Getting Started - 1 (Coursera)

Start learning one of the most powerful and widely used programming languages: C. Within moments you will be coding hands-on in a browser tool that will provide instant feedback on your code. The C programming language is one of the most stable and popular programming languages in the world. [...]

Ressources minérales et transition (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Ressources minérales et transition (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Ce MOOC sur les ressources minérales et les transitions invite à se questionner sur la soutenabilité de nos choix technologiques. Les transitions énergétiques et numériques sont en effet confrontées aux enjeux d'approvisionnement des ressources minérales et aux impacts que leur cycle de vie génère sur l’environnement et la [...]

Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Manager dans l'incertain (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Le MOOC “Manager dans l’incertain” s’adresse aux étudiants comme aux porteurs de projet et managers (qu'ils soient en activité professionnelle, juniors ou seniors dans leurs domaines de spécialité) mais aussi à tout acteur du monde de l'entreprise susceptible de prendre des décisions dans un contexte imprévisible. Ce MOOC vous [...]