Sungkyunkwan University - SKKU

Sungkyunkwan University was founded in 1398 as the highest national educational institute in the early years of the Joseon Dynasty in Korea.
As the oldest university in East Asia, it has fostered leaders of Korean society for over 600 years.
At present SKKU is striving to educate students with a broad knowledge base, communicative leadership and a creative challenging spirit.
As a world-class research university this is one way in which SKKU is contributing to the development of a harmonious global society.
With the support of the world-renowned global company Samsung, SKKU has become a creative and innovative center of higher education. This collaborative approach incorporates foundational knowledge, applied research, a focus on global society, and academic-industrial collaboration.
More info here.

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Machine Learning Basics (Coursera)

In this course, you will: understand the basic concepts of machine learning; understand a typical memory-based method, the K nearest neighbor method; understand linear regression; understand model analysis. Please make sure that you’re comfortable programming in Python and have a basic knowledge of mathematics including matrix multiplications, and conditional [...]

Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture (Coursera)

This course will give you the cultural and historical background to begin your journey into Korean philosophy, and there is no prerequisite knowledge on philosophy required. Anybody who either has an interest in Korean culture, maybe through K-Dramas or K-pop, or an interest in philosophy from a cross-cultural perspective, [...]

Predictive Analytics: Solving Business Problems Using Machine Learning and Big Data (FutureLearn)

Explore how predictive models can help businesses use data to identify risks and discover new opportunities. Discover how predictive analytics could transform your business As businesses accrue more and more data about their customers – from their behavioural history to their transactions – being able to use ‘Big Data’ is [...]

Introduction to Quantitative Investing (FutureLearn)

Learn basics of financial economics and try its real life application using financial data and programming. Financial markets have become increasingly complex - it’s not easy to know where to start when it comes to investing. In today’s world the demand of accurate data-driven quantitative analysis across the world [...]

Transmedia Storytelling (FutureLearn)

Learn how to tell compelling stories across multiple platforms, like books, films, games and TV, with this free online course. Stories are increasingly told across a variety of formats - books, comics, events, films, games and TV programmes. This is known as transmedia storytelling or multiplatform storytelling. This free [...]