AI Terminology

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Internet of Things: Setting Up Your DragonBoard™ Development Platform (Coursera)

Do you want to develop skills to prototype mobile-enabled products using state-of-the-art technologies? In this course you will build a hardware and software development environment to guide your journey through the Internet of Things specialization courses. We will use the DragonBoard™ 410c single board computer (SBC). [...]

Intro to AR/VR/MR/XR: Technologies, Applications & Issues (Coursera)

This first course in the XR for Everybody specialization creates a foundational understanding of the differences between AR, VR, MR, and XR. The course provides learners with a broad overview of the rapidly evolving XR space and the tools to characterize future XR developments and assess their potential and [...]

IA para todos (Coursera)

IA não é apenas para engenheiros. Se quiser que sua organização se torne melhor no uso de IA, este é o curso que todos, especialmente aos seus colegas não técnicos, devem fazer.

AI For Everyone (Coursera)

AI is not only for engineers. If you want your organization to become better at using AI, this is the course to tell everyone--especially your non-technical colleagues--to take.

IA para todos (Coursera)

La IA no es solo para ingenieros. Si desea que su organización esté mejor preparada en el uso de la IA, este es el curso que todos deberían hacer, especialmente sus colegas no técnicos.