Nonprofit Management

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Giving 2.0: The MOOC (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Giving 2.0: The MOOC (Coursera)
Free Course
A philanthropist is anyone who gives anything — time, money, experience, skills, and networks — in any amount, to create a better world. This course will empower you to become a more effective philanthropist and make your giving more meaningful to both you and those you strive to help. [...]

Entrepreneurship in Nonprofits (FutureLearn)

Take a look at the world of social entrepreneurship and familiarize yourself with new concepts and methods of entrepreneurship. Learn about economic tools to become a successful social entrepreneur. Nonprofit organizations operate globally in many areas. They address societal issues in fields like health, culture and arts, environment, education [...]

Essentials of Nonprofit Strategy (Philanthropy University)

An NGO or nonprofit's strategy determines whether the organization will sink or swim. Nonetheless, nonprofit leaders are often unable or unwilling to plan in the short-term to achieve long-lasting social change. This free, online nonprofit strategy course will help you develop successful strategies to achieve your organization's goals and [...]