Scanning Electron Microscopy

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Electron and Ion Beam Characterization (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Electron and Ion Beam Characterization (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Electron and ion beams are widely used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of semiconductor materials and devices. They can be used to image structures with sub-nm resolution and to provide information about elemental composition and dopant concentration. This course describes the fundamentals of electron and ion beam characterization [...]

Nanotechnology: A Maker’s Course (Coursera)

How can we create nano-structures that are 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair? How can we “see” at the nano-scale? Through instruction and lab demonstrations, in this course you will obtain a rich understanding of the capabilities of nanotechnology tools, and how to [...]

Fundamentals of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (edX)

Aug 22nd 2022
Fundamentals of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about the application of nanomaterials in civil and environmental engineering. This course will introduce students to the field of nanotechnology with a special emphasis on nanomaterials synthesis, characterizations and their applications in civil and environmental engineering. The specific applications will include, but not limited to, tailoring mechanical property, [...]

Fundamentals of electron and ion microscopy (Coursera)

Electron and ion microscopy techniques are the most widespread tools for imaging and investigation of structural and functional properties of solid and soft matter on micro- and nanoscale, which applications are very broad : material science, microelectronics, nanotechnology, biology, forensics science and many others. This course represents the fundamentals [...]