Spring Framework Specialization

This Specialization explains high level patterns used in Microservice architectures and the motivation to move towards these architectures and away from monolithic development of applications. Students will learn how Java interacts with databases in a modern framework, using the very popular Spring Boot Framework, with Microservices. Students wishing to develop Java based Web Applications and Restful Micro Services will be using the very popular Spring MVC and Spring Boot frameworks with minimal configuration.

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Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Rest Controllers (Coursera)

This is a course aimed at students wishing to develop Java based Web Applications and Restful Micro Services using the very popular Spring MVC and Spring Boot frameworks with minimal configuration. The student will develop services through various Url templates, consume and respond with json or XML payloads [...]

Spring - Cloud Overview (Coursera)

This course explains some high level patterns used in Microservice architectures and the motivation to move towards these architectures and away from monolithic development of applications. . It then goes on to implement these patterns using Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS one of the most popular Cloud implementations of Microservices [...]

Spring Data Repositories (Coursera)

This course is aimed at students wishing to learn how Java interacts with databases in a modern framework. The course uses the very popular Spring Boot Framework, with Micro services, as a setting for our database interactions using Java Persistence Framework (JPA) and Spring Data Repositories to abstract away [...]

Spring - Ecosystem and Core (Coursera)

In this course students will learn the why the Spring Framework is one of the dominant Java development Frameworks. the course covers a variety of techniques for Java Object Dependency Injection using various forms of configuration data i.e. XML, Annotations and Java Configuration Classes with Factory [...]