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Web Application Development with ASP.NET Core (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Web Application Development with ASP.NET Core (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Unlock the world of web application development with our 'Web Application Development with ASP.NET Core' course. In the 'Introduction to ASP.NET Core' module, you'll grasp the fundamentals of ASP.NET Core architecture. Next, in 'Building Web APIs,' you'll master the art of creating powerful API services. [...]

Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Rest Controllers (Coursera)

This is a course aimed at students wishing to develop Java based Web Applications and Restful Micro Services using the very popular Spring MVC and Spring Boot frameworks with minimal configuration. The student will develop services through various Url templates, consume and respond with json or XML payloads [...]

Laboratório de Programação Orientada a Objetos - Parte 1 (Coursera)

Este curso apresenta os conceitos mais importantes em torno do paradigma de desenvolvimento mais comum da indústria de software hoje: a Programação Orientação a Objetos (POO). Oferecido pelo Departamento de Ciência da Computação do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da USP, o curso é voltado para quem já conhece os [...]

The MVC Pattern in Ruby (Udacity)

Self Paced
The MVC Pattern in Ruby (Udacity)
Free Course
Writing Organized Code for your Web Apps. Learn how to organize the code for your web apps, and why it's important. You’ll be using the MVC Design Pattern in the web application micro-framework, Sinatra.

iOS Networking with Swift (Udacity)

Self Paced
iOS Networking with Swift (Udacity)
Free Course
Web Services, APIs, and JSON. In this course, you’ll learn how to incorporate networking into your apps, so they can access data from around the world. You’ll learn how to harness the power of APIs to display images and retrieve movie data. At the end of the course, you’ll [...]