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Getting Started with Git and GitHub (Coursera)

Dec 2nd 2024
Getting Started with Git and GitHub (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Get started with Git and GitHub in this self-paced, introductory course! You’ll become familiar with collaborative version control and popular Git platforms. Collaboration and social coding are crucial parts of contemporary Software Engineering practices and the DevOps culture.
Dec 2nd 2024
Course Auditing
46.00 EUR/month

Spring Data Repositories (Coursera)

This course is aimed at students wishing to learn how Java interacts with databases in a modern framework. The course uses the very popular Spring Boot Framework, with Micro services, as a setting for our database interactions using Java Persistence Framework (JPA) and Spring Data Repositories to abstract away [...]

Git and GitHub Basics (edX)

Self Paced
Git and GitHub Basics (edX)
Course Auditing
Gain the skills to work with Version Control Systems Git and GitHub. Explore key concepts, including branching and repositories; practice forking, cloning, and merging workflows and build your portfolio as your final project.