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JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL (edX)

In this third course in PostgreSQL for Everybody, learners will learn how PostgreSQL creates and uses JSON and natural language content. Learners will explore using multiple sources of data and how text is structured within PostgreSQL.

Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch (edX)

In this fourth and final course in PostgreSQL for Everybody, learners will explore databses architectures, CRUD operations and how ACID requirements are implemented in PostgreSQL. Within this course, you will explore database architecture, PostgreSQL, and various scalable deployment configurations. You will see how PostgreSQL implements basic CRUD operations and [...]

Relational Database Basics (edX)

Self Paced
Relational Database Basics (edX)
Course Auditing
This course teaches you the fundamental concepts of relational databases and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). This course is an introduction to the world of relational databases. You will explore the fundamental concepts of relational databases and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), learn about relational database design, and understand [...]

Configuring Linux Web Servers (Udacity)

Self Paced
Configuring Linux Web Servers (Udacity)
Free Course
Your First Ubuntu Server. In this course you'll learn the basic Linux fundamentals every web developer needs to know to share their web applications with the world! You'll get a basic Python WSGI application up and running within a Vagrant virtual machine that queries data from a PostgreSQL [...]

Intermediate PostgreSQL (edX)

This second course in PostgreSQL for Everybody explores a wide range of SQL techniques to aggregate and transact data in PostgreSQL.This course also explores handling, reading, and parsing data with PostgreSQL and working with text in databases with regular expressions. This course covers a wide range of SQL techniques, [...]

Introduction to SQL (DataCamp)

Self Paced
Introduction to SQL (DataCamp)
Free Course
Master the basics of querying tables in relational databases such as MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. This course teaches syntax in SQL shared by many types of databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. This course teaches you everything you need to know to begin working with [...]

JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL (FutureLearn)

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JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn to build PostgreSQL search engines using JSON and natural language processing (NLP), and level up your programming career. Create strong indexes and PostgreSQL search engines with ease. If you have a background in basic Python programming language structures, this four-week course on JSON and NLP in PostgreSQL is for [...]

Hacking PostgreSQL: Data Access Methods (edX)

Learn the science, engineering practices and hacking techniques of data access – core aspects of information processing in a database. This course is about data storage and data processing technologies with examples from PostgreSQL. It is geared toward database core developers, operation systems developers, system architects, and all those [...]

Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL (Eduonix)

Learn PostgreSQL, an advanced relational database system. Master basic & advanced concepts in this postgresql tutorial. PostgreSQL is arguably the most advance and powerful opensource enterprise class relational database system. It is the object relational database system and provides the most standard compliant system for the Database designers. It [...]