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SQL: A Practical Introduction for Querying Databases (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
SQL: A Practical Introduction for Querying Databases (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Much of the world's data lives in databases. SQL (or Structured Query Language) is a powerful programming language that is used for communicating with and manipulating data in databases. A working knowledge of databases and SQL is a must for anyone who wants to start a career in Data [...]

Implement Polyglot Persistence Using SQL and NoSQL Databases (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Implement Polyglot Persistence Using SQL and NoSQL Databases (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever wondered what happens to the registration details after you click on the submit button or to the order details once you press the confirm order button when you try to access any website? From where do you think, the details of the product catalogue are fetched [...]

Oracle Database Foundations (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Oracle Database Foundations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This Specialization is designed to help beginners learn the foundational knowledge invaluable towards their journey to becoming proficient with the Oracle database environment. There are four courses in this specialization. This is the first. Please be sure to take the courses in the order they are [...]

Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Introduction to Relational Databases (RDBMS) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Are you ready to dive into the world of data engineering? You’ll need a solid understanding of how data is stored, processed, and accessed. You’ll need to identify the different types of database that are appropriate for the kind of data you are working with and what processing the data requires.
Sep 16th 2024
Course Auditing
41.00 EUR/month

SQL for Data Science with R (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
SQL for Data Science with R (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Much of the world's data resides in databases. SQL (or Structured Query Language) is a powerful language which is used for communicating with and extracting data from databases. A working knowledge of databases and SQL is a must if you want to become a data scientist. The purpose of [...]

IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
IBM Data Analyst Capstone Project (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course you will apply various Data Analytics skills and techniques that you have learned as part of the previous courses in the IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate. You will assume the role of an Associate Data Analyst who has recently joined the organization and be presented with [...]

Bancos de dados e SQL para Ciência de Dados (Coursera)

Grande parte dos dados do mundo reside em bancos de dados. SQL (ou Structured Query Language) é uma linguagem poderosa usada para se comunicar e extrair dados de bancos de dados. Um conhecimento prático de bancos de dados e SQL é essencial se você deseja se tornar um cientista de dados.

Proyecto Final de Analítica de Datos (Coursera)

En este curso se aplicarán diversas habilidades y técnicas de Data Analytics que ha aprendido como parte de los cursos anteriores del Certificado Profesional de IBM Data Analyst. Asumirá el papel de Analista de datos asociado que se ha incorporado recientemente a la organización y se enfrentará a un [...]

Relational Database Basics (edX)

Self Paced
Relational Database Basics (edX)
Course Auditing
This course teaches you the fundamental concepts of relational databases and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). This course is an introduction to the world of relational databases. You will explore the fundamental concepts of relational databases and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), learn about relational database design, and understand [...]