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Advanced Application Management with Red Hat OpenShift (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Advanced Application Management with Red Hat OpenShift (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course explores Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP) as a container orchestration platform. In this course, students will deploy applications to OpenShift. Students will learn how to let RHOCP containerize their source code, how to scale the deployments, and how to troubleshoot issues with the [...]
Sep 23rd 2024
Course Auditing
36.00 EUR/month

Application Development using Microservices and Serverless (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Application Development using Microservices and Serverless (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Are you a developer ready to explore serverless application development? This intermediate-level course is for you! Begin with an understanding of how serverless benefits developers, learn when to use serverless programming, serverless deployment models, and discover its top use cases and design patterns. You’ll also discover how serverless supports [...]

Fundamentals of Red Hat OpenShift for Developers (Coursera)

Sep 2nd 2024
Fundamentals of Red Hat OpenShift for Developers (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Fundamentals of Red Hat OpenShift for Developers is an introduction to deploying applications in the OpenShift ecosystem. This course provides the foundational knowledge to build, run, and manage containerized applications using OpenShift resources. As you embark on this learning journey, you'll explore the world of container orchestration, understand how [...]

Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift (Coursera)

Sep 2nd 2024
Introduction to Containers w/ Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Throughout the course you will apply what you learn with hands-on labs. From getting started with Docker, to orchestration and scaling with Kubernetes, and simplifying deployments with OpenShift. The labs are performed using your web browser on IBM Cloud and Skills Network Labs environments, that are made available to [...]

IBM Cloud Essentials (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
IBM Cloud Essentials (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course introduces you to the IBM Cloud. You will learn about the many offerings and services on IBM Cloud that make it the most open and secure public cloud for developers and enterprises. The course begins with an introduction to the IBM Cloud platform which covers topics [...]

Building Cloud Native and Multicloud (Coursera)

May 27th 2024
Building Cloud Native and Multicloud (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we will cover the core concepts and practices of building and running Cloud Native applications and how to run these applications in a multicloud environment. We will cover technologies and practices including; microservices, DevOps, CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift. This course is designed for anyone wanting [...]

Conceptos Básicos de IBM Cloud (Coursera)

Este curso te presenta IBM Cloud. Aprenderás acerca de las muchas ofertas y servicios de IBM Cloud que la convierten en la nube pública más abierta y segura para desarrolladores y empresas. El curso comienza con una introducción a la plataforma de IBM Cloud que cubre temas como la [...]

IBM Cloud Essentials (edX)

Self Paced
IBM Cloud Essentials (edX)
Course Auditing
This course introduces you to the IBM Cloud. You will learn about the many offerings and services on IBM Cloud that make it the most open and secure public cloud for developers and enterprises.
Self Paced
Course Auditing
44.00 EUR

Guided Project: Get Started with Red Hat OpenShift (edX)

Self Paced
Guided Project: Get Started with Red Hat OpenShift (edX)
Free Course
Discover the power of OpenShift’s web console in under an hour with this hands-on guided project. Perfect for beginner developers, administrators, and anyone interested in containers and images in Kubernetes.

Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes and OpenShift (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes and OpenShift (edX)
Course Auditing
This course introduces you to containers and its emerging ecosystem of related technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Istio. You will not only understand the concepts but also practice hands-on in the cloud.