Hand Hygiene

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Higiene das Mãos na Prevenção de Infeções (NAU)

Sabia que as nossas mãos constituem uma das principais vias de transmissão de infeções? Descubra como proteger a sua saúde e a de todos aqueles que o rodeiam. O curso “Higiene das Mãos na Prevenção de Infeções” tem como principal finalidade promover a capacitação e literacia na higiene das [...]

Preventing and Managing Infections in Childcare and Pre-school (FutureLearn)

Understand how infectious diseases spread and how to protect children from infections. Identify how to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in children. Microbes live everywhere, especially in childcare settings where children play together at close quarters. They come in all shapes and sizes – and not all are [...]

e-Bug Health Educator Training (FutureLearn)

Improve your ability to teach children and young people how to prevent the spread of infection and to use antibiotics responsibly. Learn how to use the e-Bug teaching resource. e-Bug is operated by Public Health England (PHE) as a free educational resource for teaching young people aged 4-18 about [...]