Feedback and Coaching For Everyone Specialization

Feedback and Coaching For Everyone . Do you want to extend your relationships to improve the workplace? Do you struggle with sharing the most appropriate and effective feedback with coworkers, or even with your managers? Do you want to see yourself as a caring, intentional and unbiased force in the workplace? In this Feedback and Coaching specialization, learn to share growth-mindset feedback, avoid bias and use your relationships with others to prepare them for coaching.
By the end of the specialization, you will be able to:
Prepare others for growth-mindset feedback and deliver it to them.
Manage upward by preparing your superior to receive growth-mindset feedback from you.
Build appropriate relationships to appreciate coworkers as people beyond the workplace.
Use different tactics to eliminate or avoid common biases in group settings.

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Managing Up (Coursera)

Do you struggle to share feedback with your superiors? Do you need to learn how to develop rapport and credibility with them first? Learn these skills and more from the Managing Up course!

Avoiding Bias (Coursera)

Do you want the best strategies to avoid bias in your communications? Learn the skills to tackle common hurdles in impartial decision-making and communication from this Avoiding Bias course!

Giving Feedback (Coursera)

Do you want the best strategies to prepare others to hear and apply effective feedback? Learn the skills to shape growth mindsets and appropriately evaluate effort from this Giving Feedback course!

Building Relationships with Communication (Coursera)

Do you struggle to relate to others outside the scope of work? Do you need to learn to express compassion for your teammates and appreciate them as people? Learn these skills and more from the Building Relationships with Communication course!