Data Integration

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Foundations of Data Analytics (edX)

Learn the fundamental techniques for data analytics and to be prepared for learning and applying more advanced big data technologies. Foundations of Data Analytics: This course will provide fundamental techniques for data analytics, including data collection, data extraction, data integration, data cleansing, and basic machine learning techniques. [...]

Ride the SAP HANA Wave: Fundamentals and Insights into Cloud Databases (openSAP)

Mar 29th 2022
Ride the SAP HANA Wave: Fundamentals and Insights into Cloud Databases (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course to get insights into SAP HANA and SAP HANA Cloud. Learn about the in-memory database technology and the different deployment options, and discover how you can make data available for business insights.

Data Engineering und Data Science – Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel (openHPI)

Self Paced
Data Engineering und Data Science – Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel (openHPI)
Free Course
Die Schlagwörter Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Science, Data Engineering, und Big Data dominieren seit einigen Jahren nicht nur die IT-Schlagzeilen. In unserem Kurs wollen wir diese Wörter mit grundlegendem Inhalt füllen und die typischen Arbeitsschritte eines Data Scientists nachvollziehen. Insbesondere schauen wir hinter die Kulissen und betrachten den oft mühsamen [...]

Freedom of Data with SAP Data Hub (OpenSAP)

Self Paced
Freedom of Data with SAP Data Hub (OpenSAP)
Free Course
Join this free open online course to learn about SAP Data Hub. The course will provide you with an overview of the architecture as well as the installation/deployment options, and is aimed at application developers, data warehouse modelers, data engineers, data scientists, and technical business [...]