Art History

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Design Bites: The Bauhaus Movement (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Design Bites: The Bauhaus Movement (Skillshare)
Free Course
Interested in beefing up your knowledge about Graphic Design History? Get a small "bite" of Graphic Design history by delving into the Bauhaus Movement with me. The Bauhaus is considered one of the most important influences on contemporary design.

O Real Paço Mafra: do Magnânimo ao Clemente (UAb)

Erguido numa lógica de afirmação do poder real, o Real Paço de Mafra está intimamente ligado à figura de D. João V. Mas a adaptação a novos tempos, a evolução do gosto, o terramoto de 1755 e as campanhas de Napoleão vão determinar a forma como o Paço vai [...]

Art Appreciation and Techniques (

Self Paced
Art Appreciation and Techniques (
Free Course
This course is an exploration of visual art forms and their cultural connections for the student with little experience in the visual arts. It includes a brief study of art history, and in-depth studies of the elements, media, and methods used in creative thought and processes.

Baroque Art to Neoclassicism (

Legacy Course
Baroque Art to Neoclassicism (
Free Course
This course will examine the history of Western art from approximately 1600 to approximately 1800—a period that bridges the gap from the Renaissance to the earliest days of the Modern era.

Art of Ancient Greece and Rome (

Legacy Course
Art of Ancient Greece and Rome (
Free Course
In this course, we will study the art of Classical Antiquity. The different units of the course reflect the main chronological stages in art development in Ancient Greece and Rome, from the coming together of the Greek city-state and the emergence of “geometric art” (around 900 B.C.) to [...]

Art of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East (

Legacy Course
Art of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East (
Free Course
This course serves as an introduction to the major artistic and architectural traditions of Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East. This course will explore how artifacts and monuments can be used to study the history and culture of the ancient world.

Introduction to Western Art History: Proto-Renaissance to Contemporary Art (

Legacy Course
Introduction to Western Art History: Proto-Renaissance to Contemporary Art (
Free Course
In this course, we will study important movements and some influential artists in Western art history. We will begin with the “Proto-Renaissance” in Italy in the 13th century and continue through to the late 20th century.

Introduction to Western Art History: Pre-historic to High Gothic (

Legacy Course
Introduction to Western Art History: Pre-historic to High Gothic (
Free Course
In this course, we will study the history of Western art, beginning with the first objects created by prehistoric humans around 20,000 years ago and ending with the art and architecture of the High Gothic period in fourteenth-century Europe.