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Programando con Java para aplicaciones Android (Coursera)

¡Aprende lo mejor de Java para el desarrollo en Android! Descubre lo necesario para construir tus aplicaciones móviles de una forma sencilla, objetiva y práctica. A lo largo del curso, verás diversos ejemplos para crear tu primer Hola Mundo y practicarás la programación orientada a objetos.

UX Design for Mobile Developers (Udacity)

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UX Design for Mobile Developers (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn to Design a 5-Star Android App. This course is optimized for the developer who is looking to efficiently learn the most important design techniques that will help them make better apps (with a focus on mobile/Android). This is a UX design course built for current (and aspiring) mobile [...]

Passwordless Login Solutions for Android (Udacity)

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Passwordless Login Solutions for Android (Udacity)
Free Course
For an app developer, providing a seamless user experience is critical for building engagement and growing a user base. Passwordless login solutions provide your users with a simple, secure, and positive first experience. In this course, you'll learn two frameworks for sign-up and authentication: Account Kit, which uses [...]

Build Native Mobile Apps with Flutter (Udacity)

Learn from experts at Google how to use Flutter to craft high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android devices in record time. In this course, you'll learn how to use Flutter to quickly develop high-quality, interactive mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. Whether you’re just getting started with [...]

Developing Android Apps with Kotlin (Udacity)

Create concise, secure and performant apps with Kotlin. Learn to architect and develop Android apps in the Kotlin programming language using industry-proven tools and libraries. With these techniques you'll create apps in less time, writing less code, and with fewer errors.

How to Install Android Studio (Udacity)

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How to Install Android Studio (Udacity)
Free Course
Installation Guide for Windows and Mac. This is a short tutorial that walks you through installing Android Studio on a Windows or Mac machine, beginning with downloading the Java SDK. You will also learn how to set up a new project using the Android Studio Project Wizard.

Android Interview Prep (Udacity)

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Android Interview Prep (Udacity)
Free Course
Confidently take on the tech interview. This course is an excellent way to prepare for technical interviews. You’ll experience a mock interview, and review detailed analysis on how to field key industry questions. You’ll work through common Android Developer interview topics ranging from explicit and implicit intents to designing [...]

Introduction to TensorFlow Lite (Udacity)

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Introduction to TensorFlow Lite (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn how to deploy deep learning models on mobile and embedded devices with TensorFlow Lite. Learn how to deploy deep learning models on mobile and embedded devices with TensorFlow Lite. This course was developed by the TensorFlow team and Udacity as a practical approach to model deployment for software [...]

Kotlin for Android Developers (Udacity)

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Kotlin for Android Developers (Udacity)
Free Course
Convert an Android app from Java to Kotlin. In this course, Aaron Sarazan, Lead Software Engineer at Capital One and a leading advocate for Kotlin, demonstrates how to take a basic Android app in Java and convert it to Kotlin, teaching you key features of the Kotlin programming language [...]

Android: introducción a la programación (edX)

Desarrollaremos una aplicación de ejemplo, "Mis Lugares Favoritos", para conocer el entorno de desarrollo de Android y sus elementos. Android es la plataforma libre desarrollada por Google, ampliamente utilizada en multitud de dispositivos como móviles, tabletas, TV, wearables o sistemas empotrados. Su expansión ha sido espectacular, superando en la [...]