3D Printing

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3D Printing: Solving Problems Through Product Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
3D Printing: Solving Problems Through Product Design  (Skillshare)
Free Course
Invent your very own product! Join Lauren Slowik (Design Evangelist, Shapeways) to create a 3D printed object that solves a problem in your morning routine. She takes you through the steps of identifying an everyday problem, sketching a solution, making a simple 3D digital rendering, and printing your final [...]

SOLIDWORKS Class 1: Interface and Navigation (Skillshare)

Self Paced
SOLIDWORKS Class 1: Interface and Navigation (Skillshare)
Free Course
Welcome to our first SOLIDWORKS Course covering Interface and Navigation. This class is the first of our SOLIDWORKS Class Series which consists of 12 short classes ranging from 15 mins to 1.5 hrs. The series will take you from knowing nothing about SOLIDWORKS to the Certified Professional Level [...]

Introduction to 3D Printing: An Easy Start to Your First 3D Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Introduction to 3D Printing: An Easy Start to Your First 3D Design (Skillshare)
Free Course
This class will teach you exactly how to model a 3D hand-held, print-ready, object using only free tools, with no prior experience necessary. If you've been on the internet in the last year you've probably read an article (or two, or three) about 3D printing and how it's shaping [...]

Art and Design in the Digital Age (edX)

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Art and Design in the Digital Age (edX)
Course Auditing
Explore and discover how art changes technology and how technology changes art. We tend to think of art and technology as two separate, almost opposite things. But what if we showed you that the development of technology owes its debt to artists? And that art would not be what [...]

Future Technologies Series: Technologies Changing the World - An Introduction (CanopyLAB)

From a hand-written letter to the typewriter, fax machine and email all the way up to the instant messaging of today, the state of technology has always defined the conditions for human interaction. Technological advancement is not just important for computer scientists and business managers - it also radically [...]

Future Technologies Series: 3D printing and digital manufacturing (CanopyLAB)

Self Paced
Future Technologies Series: 3D printing and digital manufacturing (CanopyLAB)
Free Course
This course is a deep-dive in our “Future Technologies” series, where we explore the basics behind the buzzwords to properly understand the impact of technological developments on society. Will you soon be able to print your own clothes? Your own food? Your own gun? This course dives into the [...]

Bioprinting: 3D Printing Body Parts (FutureLearn)

Discover how biomaterials and 3D printing collide, to create revolutionary, bioprinted body parts, with this free online course. You may be aware of 3D printing or have seen low-cost 3D printers, which can create plastic toys, replicas and objects of your own design. But did you know that 3D [...]