The Power of Markets II: Market Structure and Firm Behaviour (Coursera)

The Power of Markets II: Market Structure and Firm Behaviour (Coursera)
Course Auditing

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The Power of Markets II: Market Structure and Firm Behaviour (Coursera)
In order to maximize profits, firms must ensure that any given output level is produced at least cost and then select the price-output combination that results in total revenue exceeding total cost by the greatest amount possible. With this in mind, this second module of the Power of Markets course addresses how firms can most effectively convert inputs into final output and then covers determining the best price-output combination for a firm and how this varies depending on whether the firm is operating in a perfectly competitive or imperfectly competitive market setting.

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Week 1


The Production Process: How Firms Convert Inputs into Final Outputs.

Week 2

Cost Minimisation

How Firms Minimize the Cost of Producing Output.

Week 3

Profit Maximization in Perfectly Competitive Markets

How Firms Maximize Profits in Perfectly Competitive Markets.

Week 4

Monopoly Power: Its Sources and How to Use It

The Sources and Uses of Monopoly Power.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
42.00 EUR

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