Calm Your Monkey Mind - Beginners Guide to Meditation (Skillshare)

Calm Your Monkey Mind - Beginners Guide to Meditation (Skillshare)
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Calm Your Monkey Mind - Beginners Guide to Meditation (Skillshare)
Why Meditate? Science has proved that there are several benefits of meditation such as. Physiological Influences: Positive impact on blood pressure and hypertension; Effectiveness in the treatment of disease( Diabetes and cancer); Alleviation of Pain.

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Behavioural Psychological and Cognitive influences:

- Improved reaction time and perceptual-motor skill

- Improved concentration and attention

- Improved memory and intelligence

- Improved sleep

- Decreased anxiety and stress

- Helpful with overcoming addiction and chemical dependency.

Subjective Influences:

Inner peace, bliss, clearer perception, energy and excitement.

Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that you will get all of these benefits. So, don't set your expectations too high. Just surrender yourself to that Universal energy.

Your Battle Plan

First off: Start looking at all the distractions you have in your life – turn off your phone when you don't need it, for example.

Turn off the TV at mealtimes and start having proper conversations with your family again. Next, add some variations: Take a different route to and from work, go someplace different for lunch, try taking up a new hobby.

Next, start to reprogram your brain for the better. Start with mindfulness meditation and become more aware of what thoughts you actually tend to have. Spot negative thought patterns that might be causing problems, and at the same time, become more aware of what's going on around you.

Finally, use CBT to break old habits and overcome irrational fears so you can eliminate stress and have a more calm mind.

I am sending you all the positive energy and success in your personal growth journey.


Mindfulness Practice and Journaling

There is a quote “The way you do one thing is the way you do everything”

You are going to start your mindfulness journey in a fun and entertaining way.


Step 1: Make a cup of coffee or tea or any beverage (preferably hot).

Step 2: Sit somewhere you will not be disturbed.

Step 3: Turn off your phone and all the notifications.

Step 4: Drink your beverage mindfully.

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