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AWS: Network Security, Compliance and Governance (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
AWS: Network Security, Compliance and Governance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
AWS: Network Security, Compliance and Governance is the third course of Exam Prep ANS-C01: AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty specialization. This course will help learners designing and implementing AWS Security and compliance. You will also get a chance to evaluate monitoring strategies in support of security and compliance objectives. [...]

Deep Learning Methods for Healthcare (Coursera)

This course covers deep learning (DL) methods, healthcare data and applications using DL methods. The courses include activities such as video lectures, self guided programming labs, homework assignments (both written and programming), and a large project.

The Neuroscience of Leading Transformational Organizations (Coursera)

Organizations need to stay on the cutting edge of human performance to remain relevant, now and in the future. The way we've led the people in our organizations in the past is no longer sufficient for success. The landscape of human capital is changing, and a more human-centered approach [...]

America Through Foreign Eyes (Coursera)

The United States has always been a source of fascination — both attraction and repulsion — for the people of France, Mexico, China, and African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, and Sudan. "America Through Foreign Eyes" is a rich, interdisciplinary, international course that features Rice University faculty from [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

4G Network Fundamentals (Coursera)

4G is the cutting-edge network technology that links millions of smartphones to the internet. But how does it actually work? Ideal for network engineers, sales engineers, application developers, and many other telecoms pros, this course will help you to understand the technology behind the apps and devices we use [...]

A Brief History of Human Spaceflight (Coursera)

This course provides a view of the history of spaceflight, from early writings telling of human's fascination of space through the early Russian and American space stations. Developed as an interesting and entertaining slice of space history that is accessible to anyone with an interest in human [...]

A complexidade sensível: Um paralelo entre videogames e arte (Coursera)

Este curso oferece respaldo aos interessados em atuar como desenvolvedores, pesquisadores e docentes na área do jogos, tendo como foco o entendimento destes como partes integrantes da cultura contemporânea e do cenário artístico atual.

A General Approach to Risk Management (Coursera)

Every organization uses its information to support its business operations. When there are threats in the internal and external environments, they create the risk of information loss or damage. This course examines the design and construction of a risk management program, including policies and plans, to support the [...]