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Linear Algebra: Orthogonality and Diagonalization (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Linear Algebra: Orthogonality and Diagonalization (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the third and final course in the Linear Algebra Specialization that focuses on the theory and computations that arise from working with orthogonal vectors. This includes the study of orthogonal transformation, orthogonal bases, and orthogonal transformations. The course culminates in the theory of symmetric matrices, linking the [...]

Mathematics for Machine Learning: PCA (Coursera)

This intermediate-level course introduces the mathematical foundations to derive Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a fundamental dimensionality reduction technique. We'll cover some basic statistics of data sets, such as mean values and variances, we'll compute distances and angles between vectors using inner products and derive orthogonal projections of data onto [...]

Linear Algebra IV: Orthogonality & Symmetric Matrices and the SVD (edX)

This course takes you through roughly five weeks of MATH 1554, Linear Algebra, as taught in the School of Mathematics at The Georgia Institute of Technology. In the first part of this course you will explore methods to compute an approximate solution to an inconsistent system of equations that [...]

Linear Algebra I: Vectors and Linear Equations (edX)

This course provides an overview of bachelor-level linear algebra. You will review all the concepts and practice and refresh the skills related to vectors and linear equations. A strong foundation in mathematics is critical for success in all science and engineering disciplines. Whether you want to make a strong [...]