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Measurement – Turning Concepts into Data (Coursera)

This course provides a framework for how analysts can create and evaluate quantitative measures. Consider the many tricky concepts that are often of interest to analysts, such as health, educational attainment and trust in government. This course will explore various approaches for quantifying these concepts. The [...]

Quantitative Research (Coursera)

In this course, you will obtain some insights about marketing to help determine whether there is an opportunity that actually exists in the marketplace and whether it is valuable and actionable for your organization or client. What you will learn: predict common pitfalls in designing and implementing quantitative research [...]

Data Management for Clinical Research (Coursera)

This course presents critical concepts and practical methods to support planning, collection, storage, and dissemination of data in clinical research. Understanding and implementing solid data management principles is critical for any scientific domain. Regardless of your current (or anticipated) role in the research enterprise, a strong working knowledge and [...]

Survey Research Methodology (POK)

The course gives an introduction to survey research methodology, to provide Master students with the fundamental knowledge about this method for collecting and analyzing data for their thesis.

Contemporary Data Analysis: Survey and Best Practices (Coursera)

Despite a large variety of different courses on analytics, the courses that offer a broad overview of the field are rare. From practice of teaching statistics, it became clear that it is difficult for learners to put together a broad field map if they have taken only a few [...]

Crear encuestas con Formularios Google (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Crear encuestas con Formularios Google (Coursera)
Free Course
Para el fin de este proyecto, usted podrá crear una cuenta Google nueva, crear preguntas para una encuesta, diseñar la encuesta y revisar datos en Formularios Google y Hojas de cálculo Google. No importa su industria—o sea mayoreo, servicios, cuidado de salud, etc.—tiene clientes. Y una de las maneras [...]

Crear encuestas de mercadeo con Formularios Google (Coursera)

Feb 28th 2022
Crear encuestas de mercadeo con Formularios Google (Coursera)
Free Course
Para el fin de este proyecto, usted habrá creado un Formulario Google para investigaciones de mercadeo. Formularios Google es una manera fácil y gratis de realizar sus investigaciones de mercadeo porque es fácil de compartir vínculos, los datos se generan en una Hoja de cálculo Google bien organizada, y [...]

Collect Data with Google Forms (Coursera)

By the end of this project, you will learn how to create a Google Survey to collect and organize data for research or informational purposes. In our fast paced world, it’s important to be able to simplify processes and make tasks easy to execute resulting in information that is [...]