Persuasive Communication

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Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication (Coursera)

In "Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication", you will learn the key skill of persuasion, in the context of professional communication in a globalised world. Persuasive communication is essential to any professional workplace. From a simple email request for your colleague to help you, to developing a presentation [...]

Persuasive Communication (Coursera)

Nov 25th 2024
Persuasive Communication (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Persuasive Communication is designed to teach individuals the principles of persuasive communication, enabling them to effectively convey their message and reach their audience.

Principles of Public Relations (Coursera)

In this course, learners are exposed to an overview of public relations principles and theories relevant to practice. You will explore the field, including the origin and trends affecting the future of the industry as well as how to land a job in public relations. This course provides a [...]

Effectuation: Lessons From Expert Entrepreneurs (Coursera)

Nov 18th 2024
Effectuation: Lessons From Expert Entrepreneurs (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an entrepreneur? To start new ventures, build and grow them, be your own boss, create good jobs for other people, make money, and change the world for the better? Do you dream about becoming an entrepreneur but worry [...]

Storytelling and influencing: Communicate with impact (Coursera)

An ambitious vision for the future of your organisation isn’t enough – how do you communicate this vision to get your colleagues on board? The ability to effectively communicate and persuade others is a key leadership skill. Traditional and common-sense models of communication and persuasion often fail to capture [...]

¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números (Coursera)

Nov 18th 2024
¿Cómo persuadir? Jugando con palabras, imágenes y números (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Te has planteado alguna vez mediante qué mecanismos algunas personas consiguen convencer a otras personas? Este curso da respuesta a la pregunta y está dirigido a cualquier individuo interesado por los mecanismos de la argumentación en el siglo XXI. Aprenderemos la base de la comunicación persuasiva y el pensamiento [...]

Stakeholder Outreach: Effective Communication of Complex Environmental Threats (edX)

Learn how to engage communities through powerful storytelling, data visualization, and persuasive presence to motivate action on complex environmental projects. In this course you’ll learn how to improve your project management communication in your work environment and motivate and engage communities with clear communication to address complex environmental [...]

The ABC of Business Communication (edX)

Businesses cannot function without communication. Communication is required to connect with people within an organisation or unit and with the outside world. Communication is a two-way process. This lesson provides a complete structure and process of communication with special reference to communication in organisations. It discusses various factors in [...]

Escribir para Convencer (edX)

En este MOOC aprenderá a escribir para convencer a partir de aspectos clave y estrategias de argumentación escrita para alcanzar una comunicación efectiva y persuasiva. ¿Te gustaría escribir textos que te ayuden a lograr tus propósitos? Tal vez conseguir un aumento de salario, hacer una solicitud, obtener una [...]

Persuasive Communication: What Makes Messages Persuasive? (FutureLearn)

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Persuasive Communication: What Makes Messages Persuasive? (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Understand what makes message persuasive and learn how to develop more persuasive messaging for PR, marketing and advertising.
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Course Auditing
59.00 GBP