Antibiotic Resistance

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Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance: Non-Fermenting Gram Negative Bacteria (FutureLearn)

Gain an understanding of antibiotic resistance in non-fermenting gram negative bacteria. Understand antibiotic resistance in non-fermenting gram negative bacteria. Non-fermenting gram negative bacteria are a group of bacteria which cause infection in a growing number of patients. Many of these bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, so it’s vital to [...]

Effective Livestock Production with Low Use of Antibiotics (FutureLearn)

Learn what antibiotic resistance is and how to prevent it while increasing productivity among your livestock. Understand disease prevention and antibiotic use in livestock production. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing problem worldwide and is a threat to the health of animals and humans. But there is still a [...]

Prevenção de Infeções e Resistência aos Antibióticos (NAU)

O curso “Prevenção de Infeções e Resistência aos Antibióticos” tem como finalidade promover a capacitação e literacia para a prevenção de infeções e da resistência aos antibióticos. Sabe que cuidados ter para prevenir infeções? Ou o porquê de o antibiótico já não atuar em prol da sua saúde? Cuide [...]

Optimización del uso de antimicrobianos: Gestión de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (FutureLearn)

Entender la resistencia a los antibióticos, y cómo la administración antimicrobiana puede ralentizar o reducirla, con este curso. Diseñado para los profesionales sanitarios, este curso de seis semanas te informará sobre —y te capacitará para proporcionar— un uso seguro y de alta calidad de los [...]

Antibiotic Resistance: the Silent Tsunami (FutureLearn)

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Antibiotic Resistance: the Silent Tsunami (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Understand antibiotic resistance and what actions are needed to address this increasingly serious global health threat. The introduction of the first antibiotic in the 1940s marks a true turning point in human history. For the first time, once deadly infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and bloodstream infections, became manageable [...]