Maxim Bulanov

Maxim Bulanov is an educator and an academic success coach. Maxim received a Master's degree in Pedagogy in 2012. Since that time Maxim has founded and managed several educational projects in Russia: MESTO, ROZETKA educational bureau. He is a specialist in the field of instructional design, tutoring and academic success coaching, and event management. Maxim Bulanov teaches students of Masters Programs at Moscow City Pedagogical University and Institute of Education at Higher School of Economics. In 2019 Maxim became a Fulbright scholar and was a visiting researcher in IUPUI (Indianapolis, Indiana, the USA).

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Creating a Personalized Learning Environment in the Classroom (Coursera)

The course provides an overview of current pedagogical, psychological and philosophical theories and approaches, accompanied by a large practical block on the design of personalized learning environment in the classroom. The broad goal of this course is to spread relevant pedagogical solutions to a wide range of teachers. An [...]