Maurizio Zani

Maurizio Zani is a Researcher at the Physics Department at Politecnico di Milano. After graduating in Electronic Engineering, he received his PhD in Physics studying Barkhausen noise in magnetic thin films with magneto-optical Kerr effect. Currently his research activity focuses on the Auger electron spectroscopy in the study of diffusion processes and self-organization of SiGe and GaAs nanostructures. He is involved in the ultra-fast electron microscopy project at the CNST-IIT. He teaches physics for various courses of study, and he has published several books of lecture and exercise in experimental physics.
More info here.

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Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: elettromagnetismo, ottica, fisica moderna (POK)

Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: elettromagnetismo, ottica, fisica moderna (POK)
Free Course
Il corso affronta le tematiche dell’elettromagnetismo e dell’ottica partendo dall’applicazione del metodo sperimentale, per prepararsi al meglio all'ingresso all'università. The course addresses the thematic of electromagnetism and optics, starting with the applications of the experimental method, to better start the academic learning [...]

Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: meccanica, termodinamica (POK)

Il corso affronta le tematiche della meccanica e della termodinamica partendo dall’applicazione del metodo sperimentale, per prepararsi al meglio all'ingresso all'università. The course addresses the thematic of Mechanics and thermodynamics starting from the applications of the experimental method, to better prepare to start the college experience with the fundamental [...]