Matthew Strehlow

Dr. Matthew Strehlow is an Associate Professor and Vice-Chair of Strategy in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Stanford and the Director of Stanford Emergency Medicine International. Over the past decade and a half, he has worked in prehospital and emergency care across Asia and Africa. Dr. Strehlow is the founder of the On-Line Medical Research program in India. He focuses his research on the epidemiology of emergencies in developing nations, maternal and neonatal emergency referral systems, and gender-based violence. In Cambodia, Dr. Strehlow has worked on improving prehospital and facility-based emergency care systems under two USAID funded grants serving as Senior Technical Advisor for the Quality Health Services project. Providers in over 170 countries have utilized his online, open-access emergency medicine training programs and sepsis gaming programs.

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Formation COVID-19 pour personnels de santé (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Formation COVID-19 pour personnels de santé (Coursera)
Free Course
La COVID-19 se propage rapidement à travers le monde, et l’ensemble des personnels de santé doit être prêt à identifier, stabiliser et traiter les patients atteints de la nouvelle infection par le coronavirus. Après avoir effectué ce court programme, les médecins, infirmiers ou infirmières et autres professionnels de [...]

Formação sobre a COVID-19 para Profissionais de Saúde (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Formação sobre a COVID-19 para Profissionais de Saúde (Coursera)
Free Course
A COVID-19 está se espalhando rapidamente pelo mundo e todos os profissionais de saúde devem estar preparados para reconhecer, estabilizar e tratar pacientes infectados com o novo coronavírus. Após a conclusão deste curso de curta duração, médicos, enfermeiras e outros profissionais de saúde terão uma abordagem unificada e [...]

COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers (Coursera)

COVID-19 is rapidly spreading across the globe and all providers must be prepared to recognize, stabilize and treat patients with novel coronavirus infection. Following completion of this short course physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals will have a unified, evidenced-based approach to saving the lives of patients with [...]

COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers (edX)

COVID-19 is rapidly spreading across the globe and all providers must be prepared to recognize, stabilize, and treat patients with novel coronavirus infection. This rapid-fire, self-paced course focuses on the critical information required to care for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Following completion of this short course physicians, nurses, [...]