Mahdi Hosseini

Mahdi Hosseini is a quantum physicist/engineer and is currently a faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University.
Mahdi obtained his PhD from Australian National University (ANU) studying quantum light storage. As a Postdoctoral fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he studied quantum light-atom interactions in the cavity quantum electrodynamic regime. His current research interests include developing quantum photonic devices for quantum communication and quantum sensors for precision sensing. He has given more than 15 invited talks at international conferences and department colloquiums and coauthored more than 60 research articles, patents, conference papers. He has completed MIT Kaufman Teaching Program and ANU Advanced Graduate Teaching Program.

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Introduction to Quantum Science & Technology (edX)

Aug 21st 2023
Introduction to Quantum Science & Technology (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn about fundamental concepts and engineering challenges of quantum technologies. Emerging quantum systems are disruptive technologies redefining computing and communication. Teaching quantum physics to engineers and educating scientists on engineering solutions are critical to address fundamental and engineering challenges of the quantum [...]

Quantum Networking (edX)

Learn about the science and engineering of future quantum networks whose security is guaranteed by laws of quantum physics. Applying exotic quantum properties such as entanglement to every-day applications such as communication and computation reveals new dimensions of such applications. Quantum encoding and entanglement distribution provide means to establish [...]