David Peck

David Peck researches and teaches in the field of critical materials and circular design. He is a manager of the tri-partite university partnership Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Sustainability (CfS). The CfS has a focus on resources, circular and cities. He is responsible for the funding opportunities in the centre. David is the university leader for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation pioneer university programme and is the representative for all the university faculties. He has also been a senior mentor for the Schmidt-MacArthur fellowship programme. He is manager for TU Delft in the KIC EIT Raw Materials, the 7 year+ EU programme on raw materials: sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, recycling, remanufacturing and substitution with a core focus on closing loops.

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Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future (edX)

Gain a systemic understanding of critical raw materials and learn about strategies and solutions to manage them in a sustainable way. The availability of critical raw materials (CRMs) is under massive pressure. However, these materials are essential for products, technologies and solutions to some of the world’s most crucial [...]

Circular Economy: An Introduction (edX)

Ready to make a difference? Learn how to contribute to a sustainable economic system by implementing novel business and design approaches! Our global society is not sustainable. We all know about the challenges we’re facing: waste, climate change, resource scarcity, loss of biodiversity. At the same time, we want [...]

Engineering Design for a Circular Economy (edX)

Discover and develop sustainable design and engineering methods to improve the reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and recycling of products for a circular economy. Products and equipment all around us are made of materials: look around you and you will see phones, computers, cars, and buildings. We face challenges in securing [...]