Arnold van Vliet

I'm specialised in the development and coordination of citizen science networks. The main network is the Dutch phenological network Nature's Calendar that aims to monitor, analyse, predict and communicate the timing of life cycle events like e.g. the start of flowering, appearance of butterflies and the arrival of migratory birds. Nature's Calendar network aims to help society to adapt to climate change ecological impacts. Other examples of citizen science networks that I set up are the Mosquito Radar, Tick Radar and the GrowApp.
Furthermore, I'm specialized in communicating science to society. I'm coordinating the nature news website where over forty nature organisations, knowledge institutes, nature management organisations and governmental organisations publish nature reports on current developments in nature in The Netherlands. We aim to bring nature into the news domain to increase the interest of society in nature.

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Transformative Citizen Science for Sustainability (edX)

Go beyond citizen-gathered data. Learn to design projects that actively mobilise citizens, policy makers and scientists to improve human and ecological wellbeing. In this advanced course, world leading experts from Wageningen University & Research share key principles and practices for Transformative Citizen Science for Sustainability. Join us and develop [...]