Skillshare Teachers: Learn to Build and Market Your Channel (Skillshare)

Skillshare Teachers: Learn to Build and Market Your Channel  (Skillshare)
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Skillshare Teachers: Learn to Build and Market Your Channel  (Skillshare)
This class is specifically designed for published teachers on Skillshare. If you're ready to kickstart your success on the platform and turn teaching into a steady source of income, enroll today! In this class, Skillshare Community Manager Danielle Keita will walk you through how to build and market your Skillshare Channel.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Top teachers on Skillshare have built large student followings and earn consistent monthly income, giving them the flexibility and freedom to pursue the careers and projects they love. That success all starts with marketing your classes and investing into building and growing your Skillshare Channel.

In the first half of the class, you'll learn why marketing is crucial to your success and a few of our favorite tips for sharing your classes with your community. Then, we'll dive into the importance of teaching new classes on a regular basis and walk through best practices for building a successful Channel that will keep your student following engaged and growing over time.

This class is perfect for any teacher ready to get serious about Skillshare. By the end of this class, you’ll be fully equipped to start marketing and even thinking about what you'll teach next!

Note: We encourage you to use the Community Board in this class to ask questions and share tips and feedback, but we kindly ask that you refrain from using it as a space to promote your classes. We want to build our community and inspire teachers like you to learn and grow from one another. Please only use this space for content or comments that are beneficial for the community!

Your project for this class is simple: Following the recommended best practices, start marketing and planning your series of classes today.

Use your project workspace as a place to share your progress and insights. Start your project and update it over time to report back on your marketing and channel efforts!
I. Market Your Class to Your Community

Your first milestone is to enroll 25 students in your class. Once you reach 25, your class will become visible on our Trending page, and you'll join the Partner Program to start earning revenue. Feel free to share a copy of your class announcement email for friends and family as well as screenshots of your marketing posts on social media

If you’ve already enrolled your first 25 students, skip ahead to the next section. Please feel free to share tactics you used to help other teachers.
II. Build a Publishing Plan

Fill out your Three Month Publishing Plan and tell your fellow teachers what you’ll be teaching next! Simply open the Google Doc, click file>make a copy >fill out your plan >click share> drop the link into your class project.

Feel free to note any questions you have or feedback you’re specifically looking for from other teachers. Sharing your publishing plan is a great opportunity to validate your ideal class series.
III. Describe Your Channel Theme

Tell us your Skillshare channel theme. What type of student should follow your channel? What are the core themes or subjects you’ll focus on? For instance, Jake Bartlett’s channel focuses mainly on motion graphics and his ideal students are designers looking to learn animation basics and create something awesome.

If you’re not sure what your theme is or could be, this is a chance to get feedback from the community.
IV. Share Your Channel Progress

This step is completely optional, but feel free to share your class planning with the Community along the way! Whether it’s an outline of your newest class or a new intro video, consider this space an area to share your class planning to get feedback from the rest of the community!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.