Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs (POK)

Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs (POK)
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Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs (POK)
Through four weeks lessons, the “Data science, visualization and interactive narratives for CCIs” MOOC will touch the topics of data-driven methods changing creative industries, data visualizations meant to obtain results and insights and Interactive Narratives basics to design and develop consistent scenarios for fashion brands.

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This course focuses on data-driven methods that are dramatically changing the creative industry sector, by providing new ways to reach informed decisions, exploiting big data, data science and machine learning over information about products, sales, and customer behavior.

Indeed, the vast increase in the production and availability of social data, also through the so called “social sensing”, is radically transforming the way we look at collective human phenomena and try to make sense of them. One of the big challenges posed by the increased availability of data is their representation in ways that elicit various forms of comprehension, allow the development of insights on phenomena observed and support the formulation of meaningful hypotheses and decision-making processes. The emerging paradigms and tools for social analytics, on one hand, broadens the spectrum of actions, for instance in the field of design strategy, on the other challenges a number of epistemological assumptions in the understanding of social environments.

For these reasons the course addresses students who need new skills able to embrace AI (Artificial Intelligence) potential within humanities centered analysis. Moreover it is important to master essential digital/coding skills, to cope with the size of the information to be represented, and to couple them with the craft of effective image generation.

It also addresses students who want to create data visualizations meant to obtain insights and readings as well as for the public communication of it, with the goal of fostering public interest about the topic.

Furthermore students will learn how to develop interactive narratives projects through fundamentals of Interactive Narratives, across literature and current trends with a presentation of a set of tools to support the design of interactive narrative projects for fashion and branding.

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Free Course
No formal knowledge is required.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.