A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to: 1- Basic concepts of The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System (SSLD), their relevance for every day relationships and provide advanced concepts for participants who work in fields of social work and health care. 2- Basic practice principles and methods of [...]

Pensamiento de diseño para la innovación (Coursera)

Hoy en día la innovación es el negocio de todos. Ya sea un gerente en una corporación global, un emprendedor que está comenzando, que esté en un puesto gubernamental o un maestro en una escuela primaria, se espera que todos se vuelvan austeros, para hacerlo mejor con menos. Y [...]

Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan (Coursera)

In their ambition to capture “real life,” Japanese painters, poets, novelists and photographers of the nineteenth century collaborated in ways seldom explored by their European contemporaries. This course offers learners the chance to encounter and appreciate behavior, moral standards and some of the material conditions surrounding Japanese artists in [...]

Colaboración dinámica (Coursera)

¿Quieres desarrollar habilidades para el trabajo colaborativo? ¿Tienes un proyecto o emprendimiento y deseas gestionar un equipo? ¿Deseas organizar las labores de tu grupo de trabajo? Este curso te permitirá desarrollar habilidades para la planeación del trabajo colaborativo, el desarrollo de planes de comunicación en tu organización o proyecto, [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Advanced Creative Thinking and AI: Tools for Success (Coursera)

Creativity is important in nearly every facet of life. Advances in neuro-science, computing and psychology, along with developments in other domains and cross-disciplinary areas have resulted in ever increasing understanding of creativity.

Advanced Data Engineering (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Advanced Data Engineering (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this advanced course, you will gain practical expertise in scaling data engineering systems using cutting-edge tools and techniques. This course is designed for data scientists, data engineers, and anyone with a foundational understanding of data handling who desires to escalate their skills to handle larger, more complex datasets [...]

Advanced Data Modeling (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Advanced Data Modeling (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Develop a working knowledge and familiarity with advanced database concepts such as usage, modeling, automation, storage, optimization and administration. To take this course, you must have completed the previous Database courses. You must also be eager to continue your journey with coding. The Professional Certificates create opportunities so that [...]

Advanced Data Science Capstone (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Advanced Data Science Capstone (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This project completer has proven a deep understanding on massive parallel data processing, data exploration and visualization, advanced machine learning and deep learning and how to apply his knowledge in a real-world practical use case where he justifies architectural decisions, proves understanding the characteristics of different algorithms, frameworks and [...]

Advanced Data Visualization with R (Coursera)

Data visualization is a critical skill for anyone that routinely using quantitative data in his or her work - which is to say that data visualization is a tool that almost every worker needs today. One of the critical tools for data visualization today is the R statistical programming [...]