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Less Stress, Better Health (Coursera)

Stress is a natural part of the human experience. However, stress can also be damaging to people’s physical and psychological health. This course provides an introduction to stress in general and then explores the psychological, physiological, and social consequences of stress. It ends with information on how you can [...]

Free Will and Neuroscience (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Free Will and Neuroscience (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, we will discuss free will from a neuroscientific perspective. Module one of the course will explore two neuroscientific arguments against free will from Libet and Wegner and evaluate neuroscientists’ arguments against free will. You will also examine where these experiments do not succeed in debunking free [...]
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

The Harder Side of Science Communication (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The Harder Side of Science Communication (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, you will explore how to develop and implement evidence-based methods for science communication. We’ll discuss major theories of human learning, cognitive phenomena like bias and motivated reasoning that can undermine even the best activities, and the science behind why mis/disinformation spreads so quickly. We’ll end with [...]

Psicología de la Percepción (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Psicología de la Percepción (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Cómo funcionan nuestros sentidos para ayudarnos a dar sentido y responder a nuestro entorno? ¿La percepción es un reflejo “fiel” del ambiente que nos rodea? ¿En qué se diferencia una alucinación de una percepción normal? ¿Cómo se relacionan los avances neurocientíficos con las teorías psicológicas clásicas de la percepción? [...]

Introducción a la Psicología (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Introducción a la Psicología (Coursera)
Course Auditing
¿Qué es el inconsciente? ¿Qué es la autoestima? ¿Qué es el apego y cómo incide en los vínculos adultos ? ¿Cómo funciona nuestro cerebro y cómo se modifica a lo largo de la vida? En este curso se abordarán estos interrogantes y diversos temas vinculados con la Psicología [...]

Psicología de la salud (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Psicología de la salud (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso aprenderás los fundamentos conceptuales de la Psicología de la Salud. Comenzaremos con los antecedentes históricos acerca del estudio de los componentes subjetivos y de comportamiento en el proceso salud-enfermedad y de la atención de la salud. Además, se conocerán los factores psicosociales relacionados en la calidad [...]

Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Mindfulness and Well-being: Living with Balance and Ease (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the sequel course to Foundations of Mindfulness that will continue to provide a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness. With interactive exercises to help students explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, Foundations of Mindfulness series offers a pathway for living [...]

Symptom Management in Palliative Care (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Symptom Management in Palliative Care (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course should be taken after the Essentials of Palliative Care course and continues building your primary palliative care skills – communication, psychosocial support and goals of care. You will learn how to screen, assess, and manage both physical and psychological symptoms. You will explore common symptoms such as [...]

Specialty Topics: Biology Across Disciplines (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore the applicability and relationship of biology to the arts, business, and psychology. First, we’ll discuss art as a foundational practice to biology and how biology as a science can explain how we interact with the arts, in particular, our experiences making and listening [...]

Foundations of Mindfulness (Coursera)

This course provides a broad overview of the fundamental concepts, principles, and practices of mindfulness. With interactive exercises to help students explore their own attitudes, mental habits and behaviors, Foundations of Mindfulness offers a pathway for living with more freedom, authenticity and ease. Featured components of the course include [...]