Linear Circuits

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Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis (Coursera)

This course explains how to analyze circuits that have direct current (DC) current or voltage sources. A DC source is one that is constant. Circuits with resistors, capacitors, and inductors are covered, both analytically and experimentally. Some practical applications in sensors are [...]

Linear Circuits 2: AC Analysis (Coursera)

This course explains how to analyze circuits that have alternating current (AC) voltage or current sources. Circuits with resistors, capacitors, and inductors are covered, both analytically and experimentally. Some practical applications in sensors are demonstrated.

Circuits for Beginners (edX)

This course introduces DC (direct current) circuits and is typically the first course an undergraduate student in electrical engineering would take. We learn about voltage, current, and power, while building and analyzing progressively more complex circuits.

Fondamenti di circuiti elettrici (Federica Web Learning)

Ciò che nel linguaggio comune intendiamo per circuito elettrico rappresenta, al tempo stesso, un fondamento ed un componente essenziale della tecnologia contemporanea. È facile convincersi che senza lo sviluppo delle scienze elettriche, e del modello circuitale, vivremmo in un mondo completamente diverso da quello che conosciamo. Infatti, la conversione [...]