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Leveraging Gen AI for Code Generation: An Introduction (Coursera)

This course comprises three videos, each offering a unique perspective on the use of Generative AI (Gen AI) in software development, specifically in code generation. It's important to note that there are no hands-on practices or assessments in this course.

Exploring Algorithmic Bias as a Policy Issue: A Teach-Out (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Exploring Algorithmic Bias as a Policy Issue: A Teach-Out (Coursera)
Free Course
This Teach Out does not issue certificates of completion. Algorithms – and algorithmic bias – are making regular appearances in the news, and increasingly, are being recognized as a policy issue. But what is an algorithm, exactly? And what does it mean when someone describes an algorithm as biased?

Planning a Generative AI Project (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Planning a Generative AI Project (Coursera)
Free Course
Planning a Generative AI Project is the second course in a three-part series of Generative AI Essentials for Business and Technical Decision Makers. If you have not done so already, it is recommended that you start with the first course in the series called Introduction to Generative AI: Art [...]

ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers (Coursera)
Free Course
Go beyond the chat box. Use API access to leverage LLMs into your own applications, and learn to build a custom chatbot. In ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers, you will learn how to use a large language model (LLM) to quickly build new and powerful applications. Using the OpenAI [...]

Finetuning Large Language Models (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Finetuning Large Language Models (Coursera)
Free Course
In this short course, you’ll learn essential finetuning concepts and how to train a large language model using your own data. You’ll be equipped to incorporate the latest techniques to optimize your model and produce transformative results.

Building Systems with the ChatGPT API (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Building Systems with the ChatGPT API (Coursera)
Free Course
In Building Systems With The ChatGPT API, you will learn how to automate complex workflows using chain calls to a large language model. Unlock new development capabilities and improve your efficiency in this brand new short course.

Data Science Coding Challenge: Loan Default Prediction (Coursera)

In this coding challenge, you'll compete with other learners to achieve the highest prediction accuracy on a machine learning problem. You'll use Python and a Jupyter Notebook to work with a real-world dataset and build a prediction or classification model.

Applying to College 101 (Coursera)

Applying to College 101 empowers learners of all backgrounds to demystify and better understand the college search and selection process, combining the expertise of an Ivy League admissions office and a leading college access and success organization. Led by expert educators, including Whitney Soule, Dean of Admissions at the [...]

Learn React (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Learn React (Coursera)
Free Course
The ultimate React 101 - the perfect starting point for any React beginner. Learn the basics of modern React by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges and building eight fun projects. In this 143-part interactive tutorial, you'll learn how to build dynamic, interactive web applications with React.js. With Scrimba’s head [...]

JavaScript Interview Challenges (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
JavaScript Interview Challenges (Coursera)
Free Course
Your essential tech interview preparation pack! Practice solving problems and honing the skills you need to succeed in a frontend coding interview. Are you applying for frontend developer roles? Do you wish to test out your JavaScript knowledge? Do you love solving code challenges? If any of the above [...]