Dvija Maurer

My name is Dvija Maurer and I have over 12 years working in variety of industries. My experience includes, business development, training, curriculum development, and instructional design.

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Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)
Free Course
By the end of this project, you will have the ability to develop and design a target market analysis graphic, a sales CRM workflow graphic, and a data chart graphic using Canva. A web-based graphic design tool, Canva offers free accounts with broad access to facilitate visual content development. [...]

Build Better Visual Presentations with Google Slides (Coursera)

Feb 28th 2022
Build Better Visual Presentations with Google Slides (Coursera)
Free Course
In this 2-hour long project-based course, you will learn how to apply visual storytelling best practices, utilize visual presentation best practices to create a color palette, and how to use various tools in Google Slides to manipulate visual impact. By the end of this hands-on project, learners will create [...]