Template Design

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Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Build Customizable Sales Presentation Graphics using Canva (Coursera)
Free Course
By the end of this project, you will have the ability to develop and design a target market analysis graphic, a sales CRM workflow graphic, and a data chart graphic using Canva. A web-based graphic design tool, Canva offers free accounts with broad access to facilitate visual content development. [...]

Simple Webpage Creation in GitHub (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Simple Webpage Creation in GitHub (Coursera)
Free Course
Simple Webpage Creation in GitHub: Editing a Template and Creating a Webpage. In this Guided Project, you will: Create and fork repositories to host webpages in GitHub, personalize a template by editing it and self creating a webpage; learn basic concepts of html and and apply them,