Personalised Care

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Introduction to Leadership for Personalised Care (FutureLearn)

Learn the skills, behaviours, and approaches to be a leader in personalised care and advocate for health improvement. This three-week course from Leadership for Personalised Care Programmes will give you an introduction to the meaning and importance of personalised care, and equip you with the tools you need to [...]

Personalised Care: Peer Leadership Foundation - Step Two (FutureLearn)

Further explore personalised care in the NHS and how you can help others to benefit. Learn more about personalised care so you can help others to benefit. You will learn about the changing culture in the NHS and the shift from ‘what’s the matter with you’ to ‘what matters [...]

Personalised Care: Peer Leadership Foundation - Step One (FutureLearn)

Learn what personalised care is and how the whole population can benefit in England. Learn what personalised care is and how the whole population can benefit. As the NHS moves towards a more personalised health and care system, it’s important for people to have a clear idea of what [...]